I've finished work on the Prefab 04 - and it's my favourite Prefab by far! It's a perfect companion piece to the 02 (or the other way around ;). It feels right at home in any tropical/mediterranean sim, and it's full of the flair of Maimi or Maui villas.
It's available in two version - the BASIC version which is just the house (226 prims) for 2700 L$ amd the FULLY FURNISHED version, which is the house plus all the DHARMA furniture that is rezzed in the display house (approx. 6000 L$ of furniture alone) for 7900 L$.
The house is rezzed like any DHARMA prefab:
Go into edit Mode. The easiest way to do that is to press CTRL+3. The Edit Window opens:

If the Edit Window is only opened with the basic options like in the screenshot above, click on the "More >>" button to open up the full edit window (you'll need it later).
Open your inventory and drag the prefab object from your inventory into the world:

The house gets reezed and you can move the house with the arrow keys (highlighted in the screenshot with the glowing red circle) to its desired position:

If you need to rotate the house, just press and hold the CTRL key - the arrows will change to 3 rings. Drag on the rings while still pressing the CTRL key to rotate the house along that axis.

Once you are satisfied with the placement of the house you can drop the selection by clicking anywhere in world that doesnt belong to the house linkset or simply closing the Edit Window (you will need it tho for this step again). Then go to your front door, but don't open it yet. The script inside needs to be reset first, or it will slide to the position it was first rezzed when you click it.
If you have left Edit Mode, click CTRL+3 again and left click the front sliding door. If you have the Edit window still open, just left click on the front sliding door. Inside the Edit menu click on the contents tab:

You'll get a list of the scripts that are running inside the door (the sliding script and the script thats responsible for the tinting). Double click the Sliding Door script:

This opens the actual script. Now press the "Reset" button at the bottom of the script window to reset the script:

And that's it. The house is rezzed, the sliding door reset and you can begin furnishing it :)
It's available in two version - the BASIC version which is just the house (226 prims) for 2700 L$ amd the FULLY FURNISHED version, which is the house plus all the DHARMA furniture that is rezzed in the display house (approx. 6000 L$ of furniture alone) for 7900 L$.
The house is rezzed like any DHARMA prefab:
Go into edit Mode. The easiest way to do that is to press CTRL+3. The Edit Window opens:

If the Edit Window is only opened with the basic options like in the screenshot above, click on the "More >>" button to open up the full edit window (you'll need it later).
Open your inventory and drag the prefab object from your inventory into the world:

The house gets reezed and you can move the house with the arrow keys (highlighted in the screenshot with the glowing red circle) to its desired position:

If you need to rotate the house, just press and hold the CTRL key - the arrows will change to 3 rings. Drag on the rings while still pressing the CTRL key to rotate the house along that axis.

Once you are satisfied with the placement of the house you can drop the selection by clicking anywhere in world that doesnt belong to the house linkset or simply closing the Edit Window (you will need it tho for this step again). Then go to your front door, but don't open it yet. The script inside needs to be reset first, or it will slide to the position it was first rezzed when you click it.
If you have left Edit Mode, click CTRL+3 again and left click the front sliding door. If you have the Edit window still open, just left click on the front sliding door. Inside the Edit menu click on the contents tab:

You'll get a list of the scripts that are running inside the door (the sliding script and the script thats responsible for the tinting). Double click the Sliding Door script:

This opens the actual script. Now press the "Reset" button at the bottom of the script window to reset the script:

And that's it. The house is rezzed, the sliding door reset and you can begin furnishing it :)